Getting Relief from Lower Back Pain with Chiropractic Care

Lots of people deal with lower back pain at some point in their lives. It’s pretty common—about 60% of folks will feel it at some time. Your lower back is super important because it holds up the rest of your body. But because it does so much work, it can get hurt pretty easily.

If you’re dealing with lower back pain that just won’t go away, it can cause some big problems. It might even make it hard for you to move around like you usually do. That’s why it’s really important to get the right kind of help.

Getting to Grips with Lower Back Pain

What Makes Up Your Lower Back?
Your lower back is like a strong and flexible foundation for your upper body. It’s made up of many parts, such as ligaments, joints, muscles, and discs between your vertebrae (the bones in your spine). Because it’s so complicated, it can easily get hurt from the things you do every day.

What Causes Lower Back Pain?
Back pain can happen for different reasons, like if you strain a muscle, stretch a ligament too far, hurt a cushion-like disc between your spine bones, or don’t move your back right. Knowing what can cause it helps you figure out how to treat it better.

Understanding Chiropractic Care for Back Pain

When you’ve got a sore back, chiropractic care can help without needing surgery or invasive procedures. Instead of just covering up the pain, it works to fix what’s causing it. Unlike taking pills for pain relief, chiropractic adjustments aim to put your joints back in the right place, lessen swelling, and make your nervous system work better.

What Makes Your Lower Back Hurt?

When Your Muscles and Bones Get a Bit Out of Whack
When your lower back hurts, it’s often because of problems with your muscles and bones. This can happen if you strain your muscles by lifting something heavy, get injured while playing sports, move suddenly, or don’t sit or stand properly.

Why Some Back Pain Just Won’t Quit
Some back pain lasts a long time because of certain conditions. These include bulging discs in your spine, discs that wear down over time, issues with the joints in your spine, problems with the joints where your spine connects to your pelvis, narrowing of the spaces in your spine, one bone slipping out of place, and arthritis in your spine.

Signs of Lower Back Pain
Common Signs

When you have lower back pain, you might feel a dull ache or pain that spreads down your butt and legs. Sitting for a long time can make it feel worse, but changing positions might help relieve it.

How It Starts
Lower back pain can start slowly because of positions that strain your back, or it can come on suddenly after an injury. If you feel pain after an accident, it’s important to get help so it doesn’t get worse later on.

Understanding Lower Back Pain

It’s super important to find out exactly what’s making your lower back hurt so we can treat it properly. Chiropractors do a bunch of stuff to figure it out. They ask you questions about your history of back pain, they check you out physically, and sometimes they even use special machines like X-rays, CT scans, or MRI scans to get a closer look at what’s going on inside your back. All this helps them know what’s wrong and how to help you feel better.

How Chiropractors Help with Back Pain

When You First See a Chiropractor
When you go to a chiropractor for the first time, they’ll want to know a bunch of things about your back pain. They’ll ask when it started, what it feels like, and what you usually do during the day. They’ll also ask about your sleep and if you’ve had any injuries before.

Adjusting Your Back
Chiropractors use their hands to gently move your spine back into place. This can help ease the tension in your muscles and make everything work better. Sometimes, they’ll also suggest other things like changing your diet or doing exercises to help you feel better.

Safety and Effectiveness

Chiropractic care is a safe and helpful way to deal with lower back pain. Studies have proven that it’s a good option for treating pain without needing surgery. It can ease discomfort and help you heal quicker.


It’s super important to get the right care for your lower back pain so you can keep doing all the stuff you love. Chiropractic care looks at your whole body to figure out why you’re hurting and helps you feel better overall. By figuring out what’s causing your pain and making a plan just for you, you can start feeling better and get back to doing the things you enjoy.

So, if you’re dealing with lower back pain, don’t hesitate to contact Chico First Rehab. We’re here to help and have lots of awesome services to offer. Contact us today to learn more!


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